Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Is it time yet???

Ok.....the third trimester is definitely the most anxious of times. What if Sri's water broke a month ahead of schedule. says 37 weeks is perfectly ok....and the baby should be self-sustaining at that point. But, the doctors said October 21st is the due date!! And, I don't have the crib ready yet. The Nursery is still being painted we realized it was time to step it up a notch. Let's take the Lamaze classes. Let's finish the nursery. Sri's tummy still hadn't dropped, so that was my 'heads up'. I'm still not sure what kind of 'heads up' that means.....are we talking hours or days?

Oh...the Baby Shower. Unbelievable!! The pictures looked amazing and Sri was an image of happiness for the entire weekend. It's been a lot of fun guessing the whole boy/girl thingie. Every time we go to see Dr. Menon, the hearbeats/minute land above 150. Urban legend equates that to a girl!! We saw Chak De and I immediately knew my baby girl would be just like those field hockey players. Wait...hold on to your horses. Sri's tummy was more pronounced in the front than on the sides.....a definite sign for a boy. I decided to give up and let nature take it's course. We'll find out on October 21st for sure.......or earlier. Or later. AARRRRGHH......

We celebrated our five year anniversary in Carmel and it was wonderful. I was a little worried b/c we came close to the "2 hours away from the hospital" limit. During the weekend of 9/15, Sri was actually 36 weeks along.....but, we both had it in the back of our minds. But, as i'm writing this.....we are still proud to-be parents and still waiting for that pleasant surprise. Well, we did get a pleasant visit....but, a planned one in Sri's Mummy. Welcome to America!!!

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